
I have always agreed with the saying, "pictures say a 1000 words!" And this truly explains us in so many ways! Thank you for checking out our blog :) 


Life of Thomas....you ask what it's about??? One sister wanting to share the love and passion she has for her brother, Thomas, whom was born with Down Syndrome in 1993! Our blog allows for us to share our daily activities together, hoping to connect with others with Down Syndrome and their families! Our blog also includes our personalities within each design, which is beautifully made by Aubrey Kinch, from The Kinch Life. Listed on our blog within the navigation bars and sidebars, holds information that is helpful to families and their child with Down Syndrome or another disability. We hope to share our knowledge of creating a better life for the special angels in our lives and their families. Please feel free to follows us for daily posts and other helpful tips, as well as on other forms of social media!


Casie & Thomas


  1. What an amazing sister you are!! Such a sweet Blog!

  2. Laura,
    Thank you so much for the sweet comment! Glad you are enjoying our blog :) Thanks for checking us out!
